Computer Aided Design

Topics Covered

Computer aided design has 2 parts:

  1. Gimp
  2. Fusion 360 design


Gimp is an image editing software that helps to edit picture,images and photographs to the users likings.

Gimp download link

Allow me to show you how to use Gimp to remove backgrounds and add yourself to the picture

Firstly,open 2 images in gimp,one of yourself,and one of your background

Next,Click the select tool and trace the outline of yourself and copy it (ctrl+c)

After,select the other picture and paste(ctrl+v) the copied image.

For more info on Gimp,go watch some youtube videos!

i recommend how to use gimp

2.Fusion 360

Fusion 360 is the only tool that connects entire product development process into a single CAD / CAM / CAE cloud-based platform.

here are some images of the projects that i have done using fusion 360